Powering Life for Modern Humanity

APT Switchgear Master Control Systems

  • Remote Switchgear SCADA System
  • Automatic Paralleling of Generators, Utilities, & Renewable Power Sources
  • Manual/Automatic Transfer from Normal to Back-up & Emergency Sources 
  • Utility Peak Demand Shaving & Microgrid Smart Power Systems
  • Utility Intertie & Bypass/Isolation

Switchgear Master Control Panel

APT MCP-series Master Control Panel can be Isolated or Line-up Integrated Switchgear. APT’s MCP-Series features our own industrial computer equipped with the powerful APTView Control & Monitoring Software. It also provides SCADA graphical user interface for controlling the MCP functions. The MCP has several functions, including storing all monitored data every minute with date and time stamp. Plus, it has free license remote monitoring and remote-control software. With the ability to adjust setpoints and operation modes, the MCP can easily adjust system to changing operational needs. 

APT View Remote SCADA System

APT AV-series Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems and Human Machine Interface (HMI) systems monitor and control both APT and 3rd party equipment. They do so through personal computers or your favorite web or network-connected mobile device.

Microgrid Interconnection

At APT Microgrids, we are passionate about innovating energy solutions that are geared towards a sustainable future. We understand the demand for energy efficiency, sustainability, and dependability in the modern world and that is why we are proud to be at the forefront of developing energy systems that meet these criteria. Our pioneering technology makes use of the APT Microgrid, a cutting-edge energy solution that operates independently with exceptional control capability. This self-sufficient energy grid can easily connect or detach from the conventional utility grid as required, operating in parallel when needed or isolating itself when necessary.


Load Demand Control & Load Shed

  • Load Sense Demand Switchgear Control
  • Load Shedding with or without Priority Load Adding

Peak Shaving - (Base Load)

The APT Utility Peak Shaving Switchgear has the capability to operate in parallel with the utility consistently, thereby aiding in the task of peak shaving and load testing for standby generators. This enhances the operational efficiency of the pre-existing standby power system. Additionally, our Utility Peak Shaving Switchgear is designed to transition seamlessly to Standby Mode in the event of a power outage ensuring uninterrupted power supply.

Utility Paralleling Switchgear Control Module

Import/Export Control

  • Generator Import & Export Control Switchgear
  • Island Mode Paralleling & Transfer Switchgear Control

IEEE 1547 Utility Switchgear & APT Intertie

Our IEEE 1547 Compliant Utility Intertie Switchgear is designed for Facility Interconnection. It connects loads to the utility transmission system at the 2.4kV through 38kV voltage classes. APT’s “-UI” Switchgear has several customizable features, including instrumentation transformers to satisfying specific utility intertie switchgear requirements.